Fraud Alert

Fraud Alert

The following information is designed to help organizations and members of the public protect themselves against fraudulent activity involving institutions or individuals claiming to represent, or offering products or services on behalf of, The National Investor(TNI).

In no circumstances would TNI or any of its employees initiate unsolicited emails or telephone calls requesting organizations or individuals to invest in or co-invest with TNI in any project or transaction, nor to disclose or confirm personal or financial information.

Please be informed that TNI doesn’t sell or market any FX (foreign exchange) transactions for its clients nor does it promote any brokerage related services. Moreover, TNI does not have branches or offices or any kind of affiliation outside of the UAE.

TNI’s official website operates only under one domain name, and is not connected with the hosts of any other websites that may look similar to its official website. You may access the TNI website by typing the above domain name into the address bar of your browser, or by bookmarking the genuine website. 

If you receive any suspicious messages or identify any suspicious websites that purport to be related to TNI, please email: or and please contact the local authorities if you have been a victim of a fraudulent transaction.